Think Positive:
7 Ways

Think Positive: 7 Ways

There are some of those days…
You get out of the bed in the morning. Everything just looks grey and you see it coming: it’s one of those days *sigh*.

Do not panic!

This first impression of the day doesn’t mean that the rest of the day has to be a disaster. There is even a chance that it is going to be a great day!

Just follow these seven easy steps for positive thinking:

The past does not equal the future.

‘Why is this always happening to me?’ People actually believe this nonsense, because our brain is always looking for patterns. Therefore it is even looking for a pattern in random occuring events and it has the tendency to remember only the events that fit the pattern.

The past does not equal the future. You can change your way of thinking right now and just focus on the events that are working out perfectly!

The positive ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’!

If you are convinced that the rest of the day probably will be just as lousy as the way it started, you’re right. The self-fulfilling prophecy. The opposite is also true… If you think this is just one of those moments. That one moment says nothing about the rest of the day and that the rest of the day has everything in it to be great, then you’re right too! Henry Ford said it: ‘Whether you think that you can, or you can’t, you are right!’ Choose the positive self-fulfulling prophecy!

Keep things in the right perspective!

Unless a life changing event happened when you got out of bed, that what is bothering you now ['It's raining cats and dogs and I have to bike through!' or 'If I get to work, there will be a huge pile of mail waiting for me.'] will be forgotten in three days. And certainly in two weeks! Just keep things in the right perspective…

Change your definition of ‘good’ and ‘bad’.

Make the decision that a good day for you is every day that you’re still ‘alive and kicking’. And conversely, your definition of a bad day is any day that your car is stolen, was used in a ram raid and your photo is in the morning newspaper with ‘Wanted!’ above it. As long as that picture is not in the newspaper, and you are still ‘alive and kicking’, it is therefore a good day!

# 5
Change what happens in your body.

Your body and your mind work synchronously. At the moment you think those negative thoughts, you feel tired already. Because you feel tired, everything looks even more grey, and then you feel totally exhausted… Break this pattern and start moving! Take a walk, ride a bike, dance! Or eat something healthy. As soon as you get the positive flow going in your body, you get the positive flow going in your mind!

Focus on what is going well.

The main reason that you think it’s one of those days is the fact that your emphasis is on everything that goes wrong. Compared to everything that goes wrong, there are probably also dozens of things that go well [however small]. Put your emphasis on these [little] things! Make a list of them an you’ll even be amazed!

Expect a miracle!

Just as an attitude of ‘Oh doom and gloom’ shows you all the problems surrounding us, an open look with wonder and amazement shows you the wonder of all the little things. They are everywhere around you, here and now.

Sharing is caring!
Which tips do you have to think and stay positive?
Please share them with us and leave them in the commentbox below!

Mirjam Stoffels

Founder of seven2success. Passionate entrepreneur and always interested in personal and business growth. In my mission to make seven2success the biggest platform of knowledge and information for women, by women, I want to inspire you with our content! Also check us on Facebook and Twitter! I’d love to connect! Do you want to inspire other women? Write for us!

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