Become A Leader!
7 How-To’s

Become A Leader!7 How-To’s

T oday is the first day of the rest of your life.
What are you busy with today?
How about becoming a leader?

Waiting for a hero to take you by the hand and lead you is choosing to remain a victim [or a child]. It is time we grow up and take responsibility for our own life.

The other day I was listening to the radio and one line caught my attention: ‘We don’t need another hero.’ Pictures from old movies flashed in front of me. The mythological hero: tall and handsome, powerful and wise, always resourceful and with a sense of humor. Those were the heroes we were searching to lead us into the promised land of happiness.

Each generation has its role models, heroes and leaders. In the past, leaders had to be charismatic, strong and confident. But as time changes we also need to change our conception of what actually is the leadership we need. Maybe we really don’t need another hero in today’s world.

We were conditioned to believe that a leader is a sort of superman that comes and saves us in times of crisis. As you’ve noticed it will mostly be a MAN that saves the day in such scenarios… Hand in hand with this conditioning goes the belief that we, the ‘normal’ people, are both hopeless and helpless. In need of constant guidance resulting from our not being able to take care of ourselves.

Now is the time to become a leader yourself! Here are seven how-to’s…

Wake up!

It is a childhood illusion that you are hopeless and helpless. It is a childhood illusion that is never YOU who is powerful. That it is never YOU who determines, influences and creates. This is a romantic view that allows you to sit in waiting and hope for a better life, a better world.

Change your concept of leadership

We have reached the point when each one of us can and must become a leader. Leadership is about creating space for people to fully express themselves. It is about encouraging people to go beyond their limits. Just like a mother does with her kids.

Empower people

Leadership is about empowering people to achieve their life purpose. And remember: when you empower people, you will never take away their power. And they will not give it away either. Each action you take comes from choice and not because of outside influence or pressure. It is time to let go of this constant search for answers outside yourself. The time of Gurus and Masters is over.

Trust your wisdom within
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You have enormous wisdom within. It is a matter of making the connection with this inherent wisdom and trusting yourself to do what is right for you at any given time.

Do it together

It is the time for enlightened friendships, when we all share our wisdom and become both the teacher and the student. This is where our power is. In doing it together. This is what feminine leadership is all about!

Take responsibility

Our planet can no longer afford for humanity to play the victim game.Waiting for a hero to take you by the hand and lead you is choosing to remain a victim or a child. It is time we grow up and take responsibility for our own life.

Help others become leaders!

Look at your surroundings and notice how many people prefer to stay stuck in their victim role, refusing to recognize, acknowledge and utilize their power. Ask yourself: ‘What can I DO to make them see they have a choice, that they have the power?’ When you have the answer, act upon it. Once you take that step, you become a leader. A leader creates leaders.

Now go become a leader! The world needs you!

Sharing is caring!
Are you waiting for a hero to take you by the hand or are you ready to become a leader?
What steps are you taking to become a leader?
Please share your tips, additions and experiences in the comment box below!
Thank you!

Vered Neta

Trainer, coach and author of ‘Financial Independence for Women’. Helping to create personal, business and financial success. I am the co-founder of Open Circles Academy, and founder of Balanced Business Women. My long term goal is to support women on their path to become conscious millionaires and leaders in their field of expertise. Let’s connect on Facebook or follow me onTwitter.

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  1. I think the world definitely needs heroes today. It has always been like that and I think it always will. I just wrote something on my blog about heroes as well (one of those super heroes was Mirjam who initiated seven2success :) ).

    Indeed, the heroes of the past are not the heroes of today anymore. For me, a hero (or a leader), is someone who serves the world without wearing any kind of mask or protection shield.

    Funny, because the super heroes of the past (and from the movies) always wear a certain outfit. Today, I would love to see more people leaving their outfit (their masks, their shields) at home and showing the world who they really are. Only then you can be of service in the purest and most powerful way, like a leader.

    Thanks for this inspirational post, Vered!

  2. Dear Stephanie,

    I think that each one of us is a hero, once we are willing to take a step and get out of our comfort zone. I agree with you totally that once people would let go of their masks and shields we will get more real people… which is different than the image of what is a hero in the past.

    In many ways we think alike. I just don’t think we need someone that would save us. We need us to save us. Each one of us can become a daily life hero when we step out, reach out, and support and help other people. Without the fame, without the glory and the need to shout out “LOOK AT ME!”.

    The people that do that are the real heroes in my opinion. They do that because they care, because they want to see a change in the world and they are willing to take the risk and do it instead of staying in their own comfort zone.

    This blog post was to urge any reader to do just that – what can you do to step out, reach out and support another person and make this world a better place. It doesn’t take much… only one step.

    Have a magical day! Vered

    • Hi Vered, thanks for your reaction. I couldn’t agree more and I am very happy to know people who are like that: changing the world, one step at a time, because they care. You’re one of them and it makes me very happy :) Enjoy today’s sun on this sunny sunday, Stephanie

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