A Sharper Intuition?
7 Tips!

A Sharper Intuition? 7 Tips!

I ntuition according to thefreedictionary.com
in-tu-i-tion [n t - sh n, -ty -]. n. 1. The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition.

The opinions on how this ‘immediate cognition’ is gained differ. Some say it is an automatism, a habit acquired by experience. Others associate intuition with recognizing feelings and signals within the body. I think it is a combination of both and I believe that intuition is something that is trainable, when you know what to look for.

So here they are:
seven tips to increase your intuition!

Train your senses

If a wine expert can train his nose and taste, so can you. And that isn’t only valid for your sense of smell. All your other senses are trainable by being more alert and observant to what happens around you. This brings us directly to the next point:

Be present, here and now
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Often you are so busy with all kinds of things in your head, that you forget to notice your surroundings. To be able to be more present in the ‘here and now’, you need to learn how to sit still and observe. What do you hear, see, smell, feel, taste… now?

Another way to be more present in the ‘here and now’, is focussing on your breathing. When you do that, you will have no time to think about anything else. It is simply impossible. When you turn off your thoughts and focus on whatever you are doing, you are in this ‘here and now’.

Learn the difference between you, someone else and your environment

Often we take over moods or emotions from other people or, also possible, places. To determine whether or not a certain mood or emotion belongs to you, you need to go within yourself, center and ground yourself properly. Check where do those feelings and senses exactly come from? When you are able to stay present, with and within yourself, you will have a clear answer right away!

Be aware of your principles and prejudices

Principles and prejudices color your observations. The better you know which principles and prejudices [and judgements] you have, the better you are able to ‘switch off’ these filters. Without filters it is possible to observe in a more neutral way.

Learn the difference between your thinking, your emotions and your intuition

Thinking and emotions are reactions to stimulants from outside. Intuition comes from within. The most difficult emotion to distinguish is fear.

Be aware of the difference between observation and interpretation

Observations are always descriptions of concrete matters. Just noting something. So when you see someone with tears running down his face, do not automatically interpret that fact as sadness.

Persist and practice

Training your intuition can be compared with playing a musical instrument. Practising every once in a while will not help you there either. It is important to insert a discipline in practising on a regular basis. Even if you practise only five minuts a day, you will notice an increase in your intuition!

Good luck!

Sharing is caring!
How do you use your intuition? Do you have more tips to sharpen your intuition? Would you like to share your experiences?
I love to hear from you so add your comment in the comment box below!
Thank you!

Nicky Koopmans

Geomancer. I help you to better quality, more productivity, more efficiency, more creativity and more health in your business and in your personal life. I do this by studying the subtle energies around you. You can also contact me for workshops. I speak Dutch, English and German. Let’s connect on Linkedin, Facebook or happyholon.nl!

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  1. Wat een fijne manier om met je blog kennis te maken!
    Ik doe veel op gevoel en volg mijn intuïtie vaak. Mijn tip is van mijn vader afkomstig, om het eerste wat in je opkomt te volgen. Stel je kunt kiezen uit twee leuke uitjes en je weet het niet, ga dan terug naar het gevoel wat je direct had.
    Groetjes, Mariska

    • Hoi Mariska,
      Dankjewel voor je enthousiaste reactie! Dankjewel ook voor je tip.
      Eerste indrukken zijn heel vaak de juiste, tenminste… wanneer je op het moment van de gedane indruk, goed bij jezelf bent gebleven. Anders bestaat er alsnog de kans dat je je hebt laten beïnvloeden door een ander of door de omgeving.

  2. Rozelinde

    Hoi Nicky,
    Heerlijk onderwerp!
    En ook goede reminders om te blijven aandacht aan geven. De tip over het onderscheid leren maken tussen jouw en andermans emoties e.d. is voor mij persoonlijk het meest nuttig.
    Een heel leuke speelse oefening om intuïtie te leren gebruiken vind ik schrijven met jouw linker (of andere dan gebruikelijke) hand: “Stel jezelf een vraag en kijk eens welk antwoord er opkomt met het schrijven van jouw linkerhand.”

    • Hoi Rozelinde,
      Dankjewel voor je reactie en tip! De oefening die je noemt, is een vorm van automatisch schrift. Denk er bij automatisch schrift wel om dat je precies weet wat voor soort energie je uitnodigt om ‘door te komen’. Dit hoeft namelijk niet per definitie je eigen intuïtie te zijn. Het is dus, juist bij jouw oefening, heel belangrijk om het onderscheid te kennen tussen jezelf, een ander (iets anders) en de omgeving.

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