Be a SuperMom:
7 Easy Steps

Be a SuperMom: 7 Easy Steps

W as there ever a time lately when you thought to yourself that you could not handle the things you want to do? Ever questioned how long you can put up with your work and your little one[s] needing attention every five minutes?

What you need to do is cheer yourself up and say: ‘Being a mother is the toughest job in the world and I can do it!’

But if you think you could use a little bit more help and inspiration to be the best working mom ever, here are seven things you might want to keep in mind:

Remember the difference between office hours and quality time

Working from home will be difficult since there will now be a fine gap between your career and your personal life. One of the things many mothers regret is not being able to spend time with their children. Always remember that there is a time for work, as there is also time for play. You wouldn’t want to be watching your children grow within the distance of your home office, right? Set a certain schedule for yourself and follow that. If it’s time to stop working, STOP!

Be responsive to your kids
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It’s very painful to a child if for example he tries to get your attention to show you something he made and be ignored, God forbid, shoved aside. Don’t be too overwhelmed by your work to the point that you no longer talk to your kids even if they’re right in front of you. Acknowledge them from time to time and check up on them. It will make them think that you are still interested in what they are making even if you are busy.

Create a priority list and take it down

With the many things that you need to take care of at home, it can be a little hard to keep up with your job’s requirements. List all of the things you need to do according to their priority and cross them out as soon as you finish them. By doing this, you save not only your time but your sanity as well.

Don’t be distracted

If you believe that some of the chores around the house can wait until you are done with your work, then just do it later. Doing other chores during work hours [see #1!] can take up a lot of time, and you never know how much time you’ve spent until you finish.

Ask for some help

Ask your network of friends from time to time to drop by and help you look after the kids when you really need to focus on work and get stuff done. But don’t just hand them off to a random day care center. It would be a lot better if the person is also someone the kids know or are familiar with. To them, that would look like an uncle or an aunt visiting or a play date with one of your friends’ kids, which makes them a lot more comfortable.

Take some time for yourself

Being a working mom is much like working two jobs at once, and that can be very draining. Sometimes it’s also healthy when you can have just a moment alone for you to think, regroup and do something that you like – perhaps read a book or watch a movie with your partner. You have to remember once in a while too that you are just human and need some time to rest.

Plan fun family activities for the weekend

Make weekends more fun and make the most out of it by spending the whole day with your husband and your kids doing something you all love. You can go to the park and have a nice picnic or you can stay at home and watch all of your favorite movies together.

Really, It doesn’t take much to become SuperMom!

Sharing is caring!
How do you keep up with your work and your little one[s] needing attention every five minutes?
Please share your secrets, questions, insights, tips or experiences in the comment box below!
Thank you!

Kimberly Darvin

A graduate of AB Media Arts from Southville International School and Colleges in the Philippines. I worked as an assistant editor for almost a year before I decided to work from home as a writer instead. I am the Content Manager of and Outsourcing Exposed. Find me on Facebook or Twitter.

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  1. Thanks for sharing Mirjam.
    When working from home, I ‘negotiated’ following with my children: when I’m at my desk, I’m working. Please do not disturb. Every 30 minutes I take a 10 minute break, then we can do stuff together and/or talk.

    When I overheard them saying to their playing friends: “Ssssh, just wait, Mum will disturb our play any moment now” I released my feelings of guilt. I am a super mom with super children.

    • Mirjam Stoffels

      Thank you for your comment, Jacqueline!

      Your negotiation is a very good one.
      I’m working from home too and especially now, during the holidays, with the kids full time at home, I’m negotiating my @ss off. Dividing my time in very clear blocks of work- and kids-time never occurred to me… I am alway sort of ‘negotiating-on-the-go’: ‘If you let me finish this, I’ll spend some time with you.’ Very vague… How long is ‘finishing this’ going to take and how long is ‘some time with you’? Going to implement your negotiation technique right away. Thank you!


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