7 Traits
for Success

7 Traits  for Success

D o you know the Pringles-principle? If not, maybe you know their slogan: ‘Once you pop, you can’t stop.’ And that is exactly how it works.

You want some Pringles. Lets say…. five. Just for the taste. But once you pop that can, the content is gone before you even realize it. After the first one you just stopped counting…

Did you know that this principle also works for reading [but then in a good way]? If you read just 15 minutes a day, every day for a whole year, you digest circa 1,000,000 words or 20 non-fiction books.

If you read one book a month for 12 straight months, you will be in the top 25% of all intellectuals in the world!

And do you know how to become an expert in any field? Read five books on one subject and you are one of the world’s foremost leading authorities on that subject.

After my trilogy on goal setting I set for myself for the coming year the goal to read one non fiction book per month. So twelve books, including five books on NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming [if you have any book tips, I'd love to hear from you!].

This month I started with ‘Unlimited Power, the New Science of Personal Achievement’ by Anthony Robbins. And right there, in Chapter I, I stumbled upon the seven traits of successful people. As he puts it: “Seven basic catalysts which can also insure your success.” Of course you understand that I immediately recognized a blog in this, so here they are for you: the seven traits for success!


Successful people have found a reason, a consuming, energizing, almost obsessive purpose that propels them to do, to grow and to be more. A passion. It gives them the fuel that powers their success train and causes them to tap their true potential. There is no greatness without a passion to be great.


People who succeed on a major scale differ in their beliefs greatly from those who do not succeed. Our beliefs about what we are and what we can be determine exactly what we will be. What you believe is true, what you believe is possible, becomes what’s true, becomes what’s possible. People who succeed know what they want and they are confident that they can achieve it. Their beliefs are the thrust that transformes passion into action.


A strategy is the way in which you organize your qualities, abilities and resources. A course of action. It is not enough to have all the qualities to succeed. You must use those qualities and resources in the most effective way. A strategy is the way to let your talents and ambitions find the right path.

Clarity of values

Values. The specific belief systems we have about what is right and wrong for our lives.  They’re the judgments we make about what makes life worth living. Successful people have a clear clear fundamental sense about what really matters.. They know who they are and why they do what they do.


It is virtually impossible to take a stroll to success. People of excellence take opportunities and shape them. They live as if obsessed with the wondrous possibilities of each day. Great success is inseparable from the physical, intellectual, and spiritual energy that allows us to make the most of what we have.

Bonding power

Nearly all successful people have an extraordinary ability to bond with others. The ability to connect. To develop rapport with people from a variety of backgrounds and beliefs.

Mastery of communication

The way we communicate with others and the way we communicate with ourselves ultimately determine the quality of our lives. People who succeed in life know to take any challenge and communicate that experience to themselves in a way that causes them to successfully change things. Successful people can communicate a vision, a request, a joy or a message to others.

Unleash your success!

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Your turn!
What do you think are the best character traits for success?
Tell us in the comment box below!
And do you have any suggestions on books on NLP? Shoot!

Thank you.


Mirjam Stoffels

Founder of seven2success, guest blogger at TEDx, Project Eve and 365 dagen succesvol. In my mission to make seven2success the biggest platform of knowledge and inspiration for women, by women, I want to inspire you with our content! Check us out on Facebook and Twitter! I’d love to connect! 
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