7 Tips to Be
More Productive
Everybody knows that productivity is the key to a success. The main thing about productivity is not working as hard as you can, but achieving desirable results in the stated term.
Many people struggle with that or think 24 hours a day is not enough to complete all the tasks. Are you one of them?
If so, you might be interested in these seven tools and approaches which will help you to increase your productivity.
Use the ‘Two Minute Rule’
This rule says, if you can do some task in two minutes, do it right now. Do not let small task snowball and become a load of unsettled problems. Do things as they appear and it will save you time in the end.
Make breaks
Productivity is not about sitting in the office for 10 hours a day without having a single free minute. Short breaks help your brain to work more efficiently. Some specialists recommend making a 5 minute break each 1.5 hours. But do not spend this break in front of the computer – walk a little, do a warm-up or have a small talk with a colleague.
Allocate a strict time frame for each of your tasks
The practise shows that the task takes as many time as you let yourself spend on it. So, try cutting the time for completing tasks a little and you will discover that you managed to do everything timely. Planning tasks without proper time planning won’t make you more productive.
Don’t let checking your inbox consume all your day
Answering the mail can invisibly take hours of your time. So, it will be a good idea to reserve a short period of time for checking it – like, half of an hour in the end of your working day. This will save you a lot of time.
Eliminate all possible distracters
Do not check social media, switch off your phone. If you regularly get disctracted to surf the web or answer the sms, make sure this will impact the results of your work negatively. Concentrating on single task is the main guarantee of productive and quality work.
Do the most important and least pleasant thing in the morning
Delay in making an unpleasant and important task will slow down your progress and spoil your mood as you will be thinking about it the entire day.
Learn to say ‘No’ and delegate!
In the workplace, it’s so easy to get involved in the job you’re not supposed to do. If someone asks you for help constantly and it takes a considerable amout of your time, it’s better to say “No”. It’s your right to choose. Also, if you have a not very important task to delegate, do it without hesitation. Take care of your time and focus on the most important things.
These are some small hints you can do for using your time and efforts more effectively. Utilize them in your everyday routine and you will see that it’s easier for you to get things done on time. Good luck!
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How about you?
Do you have any tips or tricks on productivity?
How do you get the most out of your working day?
Simply post your comments and wisdom in the comment box below!
Sarah Hall
Writer, blogger and eager traveler from West Lafayette, Indiana.
I enjoy writing as well as various kinds of physical activities.
I’m my own boss and feel pretty happy about it.
Always ready to learn something new!
Get in touch with me on resume reviews or Google+
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