7 Dragons to Slay!
[You Can...]
You might think, ‘Why should I slay seven dragons? Usually this blog is all about positive tips or ways that immediately get me somewhere!’
That is exactly why we are going to talk about seven dragons today.
Just to take a different look at yourself for a moment, slaying some of the dragons that may haunt you so it gets easier to see the seven opportunities they hide!
Dragon #1
‘If I just work hard enough, I will get the job done!’
Don’t! Take a break occasionally! Twist and turn your neck and shoulders a few times per hour, walk away from your computer [or any work where you sit in the same position for a longer time]. Go for a walk in your lunchbreak. You’ll come back refreshed and that makes the job a lot easier.
Dragon #2
‘I’m so tired, but I have to get this job done!’
Tired? If possible, take a nap for half an hour. Your fatigue will be gone, you will feel refreshed again and you can do a lot more work! Listen to what your body tells you.
Dragon #3
‘I have a lot on my mind, but I can’t let go of all that stuff, because then it definitely will all go wrong!’
You don’t have to let go of it all. Just step back and create some distance. With a mini-meditation for example. Put your feet on the ground, close your eyes and take three really deep breaths. Just that one moment of nothingness, focusing on your breathing and you will get so much more clarity. Do this regularly and you’ll definitely have better results!
Dragon #4
‘I don’t sleep so well and I have tried everything, tea, sleeping pills, and so on’
Try to go for a walk before you go to bed. The day simply slips away and this often results in a relaxing sleep. Taking a breath of fresh air is good for you anyway! And what if it’s raining? You probably have a small umbrella somewhere. You will come home really refreshed and ready to dive into a warm bed!
And we haven even more healthy sleeping habits for you!
Dragon #5
‘I’m not feeling my usual self and I can’t help it, nothing helps’
What have you been doing and how long have you sustained? Often, when you have such a lethargic feeling and you go exercise [in open air if you can and half an hour of exercise is sufficient] the feeling will be gone. But maybe not right away at the first or second time and then you’ll think ‘See, this this doesn’t help either!’ That’s when you just have to hang in there! Your ‘feeling not your usual self’ really disappears when you get up and get moving on a regular basis! Begin with just once a week. Do what works for you and don’t set the bar too high. Every day is okay, but not necessary.
Dragon #6
‘I am not feeling my usual self, although I get up and get moving!’
Then take a look at what you eat. I am not a nutritionist, so I am not going to prescribe you anything. You know for yourself whether you eat junk food too often, or choose the easy way too often. It doesn’t matter that much, just make sure that your diet is balanced. Did you eat less healthy for a few days, because nothing else was possible? Then take in some extra fruits and vegetables for the next few days. And if you know up front that it won’t be possible to eat right, put an extra fruit in your handbag!
Dragon #7
‘All these tips won’t work for me’
You don’t all have to try them all in just one week! Look which dragon haunts you the most and work from there for a few days [or weeks if necessary]. There is no harm in trying! And if one tip doesn’t work for you, feel free to try another!
‘Sharing is caring!’
How about you?
Have you slayed some dragons recently?
How did you do that?
Please share your wisdom below in the comment box!
Thank you!
Mariska van Gennep
After 30 years in corporate business, it was time for something else. Time to follow my passion. Now the time is right: I give meditation classes to women who have never meditated. People tell me that my voice is very nice to meditate to. I enjoy my gift now, I love to give meditation classes! Let’s connect on my website, Facebook or Twitter.
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Woohoo, I love dragons… especially to beat them .
My dragon was that I didn’t dare to speak to important people, thinking I was not worthy of their time and interest. That I didn’t have anything wise to say…
Well, yesterday, I slayed my dragon again: I talked to a person who once was CEO of a company, who travelled a lot, who wrote a book, who just had a lot of good things to say. I had the guts to talk with him and guess what… it was really a nice talk and I really enjoyed it.
So again 1 dragon down!!
Way to go, Josine! You just did it and it worked out perfectly!
Hello Josine,
What a big dragon you slayed at once. It could have been mine, to talk to a CEO. Good for you, you had the guts and talked to him!
Love, Mariska