A Great Day:
7 Ways!

A Great Day: 7 Ways!

The Italian sculptor Michelangelo once said:
‘The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.’

And Michelangelo was right. You shouldn’t settle for an ‘okay’ life when an ‘exceptional’ life is possible. You shouldn’t settle for ‘getting through another day’ when every day could be a ‘great’ one.

A ‘great’ day has a lot more to do with how you approach it than what actually happens to you. A ‘great’ day is a matter of choice and not a matter of luck.

That being the case, here is a list of seven ways you can have a great day every day!

Get inspired

Listen to or read something that inspires you. Rather than distract yourself with television, the news, social media or other ‘entertainment’ that only adds to your stress, fill your quieter moments with music, books, and video’s that are uplifting and help you to be your best. Enrich yourself.

Make your body stronger

Take time each day to exercise and eat well. When it comes to physical condition, there’s no such thing as staying in the same place. At the end of the day, you’ve either gone downhill or uphill. Don’t go overboard, but don’t be too lazy. Have fun with it. Be sure you do at least enough so you’re headed in the right direction!

Hone your plans for the future

Consider what you do and how it fits into your long-term plans and goals. You’ll make better decisions if you know that most of what you’re doing fits into your long-term plans and goals. Stay focused on your priorities. Ask yourself: ‘Is what I’m doing right now helping me to achieve my goals?’ Always keep your goals in the forefront of your mind. Review your progress. What steps are you taking to achieve your goals? And give yourself a daily pat on the back for making progress!

Do at least one thing worthwhile

Make the extra effort to find something to do that makes a difference and improves the world. For each day, add at least one element that makes you think: ‘Now that was a worthwhile day!’ Maybe it’s a particularly good blog post or a phone conversation that brings you a new client. Maybe it is connecting with friends or family, laughing more and worrying less. Do at least one thing a day that make life worth living!

Help somebody

The best and easiest way to get over yourself is to do something for somebody who needs your help. Take just a few minutes a day, and do a kindness for another person. It can be something small, or the start of something big. Volunteer. Donate something you don’t use anymore. Comfort someone in grief or put a smile on someone’s face. Do it anonymously if possible or ask them to pay it forward.

Be grateful

Spend 20 seconds a day appreciating what you have. Gratitude puts situations into perspective. Gratitude helps you realize what you have. Gratitude strengthens relationships, improves health, reduces stress, and, in general, makes us happier.

Record at least one good memory

Take out your journal, smartphone or tablet and write down at least one positive memory about your day. In future months and years, you can glance through these memories to give yourself a boost and remind you what it is all about. Memories are a powerful thing. We all want to create happy memories for ourselves, which will keep us smiling for decades.

‘Sharing is caring!’
Now it is your turn!
What do you do to make your days great?
Please leave your comment in the commentbox below!

Mirjam Stoffels

Founder of seven2success, author of ‘Daily Little Secrets to Success’ and guest blogger at Project Eve and 365 dagen succesvol. In my mission to make seven2success the biggest platform of knowledge and inspiration for women, I want to inspire you with our content! Check us out on Facebook and Twitter! I’d love to connect!  And do you want to inspire other women? Write for us!

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1 comment

  1. Hoi Mirjam,
    Wat ik doe om het een geweldige dag te maken? Heel simpel. Zoals je al aangeeft, goed voor mijn lijf zorgen door echt heel gezond te eten en veel te bewegen, en ik start elke dag met een (soms korte) meditatie. Ik vind het heerlijk om zo te beginnen!
    lieve groet, Mariska


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