A Perfect Day
in 7 Slots
Do you know what makes the difference between a great business owner and the average one? The difference lies in how they conduct their day.
When researched and interviewed most great and successful entrepreneurs and business owners seem to have one thing in common – they all are the directors of their day and not busy re-acting to what the world throws them in the face. They are responding to it and working with it, but in their own time and space. They are all able to create their day in a specific way that has them call it ‘A Perfect Day’.
A Perfect Day does not mean that everything that comes your way is perfect. It doesn’t mean that everything that happens is the way you wanted it to happen. It means that you are able to keep going and be centered and grounded no matter how many curved balls the Universe is sending you that day.
In order to do that the first step is to know what would be a Perfect Day for you. This is true both for business days and personal days.
Most days small business owners are juggling all the stuff that comes at them all day, either planned or self-inflicted, with a somewhat unsystematic, gut feeling kind of approach. I know I do that – sometimes it works, sometimes it really, really doesn’t!
I also know that there is a perfect kind of day for me in my business, one that has ‘effective, efficient and purposeful’ written all over it. I don’t always work that way, but when I do, it’s a lot more fun!
So I thought I would outline what my perfect business day [personal days have different story line to them] looks and feels like and hope that you can share the same, or at least start thinking about intentionally creating perfect business days.
One thing before we start [I need to be honest with you] I don’t always have a day like this, but my goal is to make sure that in a week I will have more days like this than the reactive ones…
Slot #1
Time for Me and Spirit
6:00 till 7:30
Wake up, do some Yoga stretches, shower, meditation and journaling.
Slot #2
Connection with my daughter
7:30 till 9:00
Breakfast with my daughter, 15 minutes on the Power Plate and take my daughter to school
Slot #3
9:00 till 9:30
At the office I plan the day according to my 6-points productivity schedule: I plan 6 tasks to handle that day.
Slot #4
Productive time
9:30 till 13:00
I’m a morning person so I get the most creative parts of my work done in this period of the day.
Slot #5
13:00 till 13:30
This is my fun time in the office. I get to eat lunch with all the wonderful people on my team. We sit around the table and catch up with each other what is taking place in each other’s department. I’m also available then to solve some of the issues that need my input.
Slot #6
Time for marketing
13:30 till 16:30
I do my best on the phone here. I plan phone meetings, interviews and conference calls in this slot. It’s also good timing if I need to talk with someone outside my time zone.
Slot #7
16:30 till 18:00
Administration work that needs my attention, or responding to emails.
So there you have it: my perfect business day!
Sharing is caring!
Now I am curious…
What makes a Perfect [business]Day for you?
Share with us your tips, ideas and solutions in staying on track in the comment box below!
Thank you!
Vered Neta
Trainer, coach and author of ‘Financial Independence for Women’. Helping to create personal, business and financial success. I am the co-founder of Open Circles Academy, and founder of Balanced Business Women. My long term goal is to support women on their path to become conscious millionaires and leaders in their field of expertise. Let’s connect on Facebook or follow me onTwitter.
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