Space Clearing: 7
Simple Techniques

When was the last time you were at a place where you thought: ‘Wow!’ A place so beautiful and peaceful that you could have stayed forever? Where do you go when you need some peace and quiet? What do those places, where you are most comfortable, feel like?

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Energy and Business:
7 Reasons!

Entrepreneurs understand that energy plays an important role in their business. What else is image, branding and deployment other than a form of ‘energy’? Of course, you can always ‘just’ start to consciously work with subtle energy within your company, but usually there is a reason…

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A Sharper Intuition?
7 Tips!

According to the free dictionary intuition is the faculty of knowing without the use of rational processes. Immediate cognition. Some say it is an automatism. Others associate intuition with recognizing feelings and signals within the body.

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