Kaizen Your Life
in 7 Steps

Kaizen [改善] means ‘to become better through change’. Kai [改] means ‘change’, Zen [善] means ‘good’. The spirit of kaizen is simple: little drops of water make the mighty ocean…

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7 Cool Things
Girlfriends Do

Always when I come back from a few days visiting my family and old friends I have back home, I realize (again) that there’s nothing like having a circle of women in your life. Women friends are like flowers and Band-Aids, they are indispensible….

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Access Inner Power:
7 Methods

You are powerful! Did you know that inside of you, you have a hidden reservoir of limitless energy and power? So strong that it can make miracles happen. So powerful that it sets you up for health, energy, vitality, and dynamic living…

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7 Ways to
Stay Positive

There are some of those days… You get out of the bed in the morning. Everything just looks grey and you see it coming: it’s one of those days *sigh*. Do not panic!

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7 Tips to
Energize Yourself

‘Everything is energy’ is not some kind of New-Age motto anymore, neither has it got to do with physics (maybe yes…). Today we know that all high performers have one thing in common – they all have high levels of energies and they know how to tap to it and raise it when they need to…

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Go With the Flow:
7 Easy Steps

Recognize this? You’ve created the perfect peaceful morning routine. You’ve structured your mornings so that you do things that bring you calm and happiness. And then the boiler breaks down and you’re standing under an ice cold shower…

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7 Rules of

Did you know that the number 1 human fear is speaking before a group? Number 1! People are more scared of speaking before a group than of heights, insects and bugs, financial problems or death. But not for me. I feel very comfortable, standing before a group…

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