7 Soul Benefits
of Silence

Noise, and especially noise over 30 decibel, is associated with high blood pressure, anxiety, and stress. Lots of people get out of bed, take a shower, have coffee and put on the news to start the cycle of stress for the day…

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Love over Fear:
7 Reasons

Life is an unpredictable series of events, people, thoughts, and feelings. Times get tough for everyone at some point, and sometimes even tough for the whole world, given the recent events in Paris. At this times it can be all too tempting to give in to the lies of fear…

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Kaizen Your Life
in 7 Steps

Kaizen [改善] means ‘to become better through change’. Kai [改] means ‘change’, Zen [善] means ‘good’. The spirit of kaizen is simple: little drops of water make the mighty ocean…

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7 Cool Things
Girlfriends Do

Always when I come back from a few days visiting my family and old friends I have back home, I realize (again) that there’s nothing like having a circle of women in your life. Women friends are like flowers and Band-Aids, they are indispensible….

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Access Inner Power:
7 Methods

You are powerful! Did you know that inside of you, you have a hidden reservoir of limitless energy and power? So strong that it can make miracles happen. So powerful that it sets you up for health, energy, vitality, and dynamic living…

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7 Ways to
Stay Positive

There are some of those days… You get out of the bed in the morning. Everything just looks grey and you see it coming: it’s one of those days *sigh*. Do not panic!

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Impossible People:
7 Tricks

We all know them: impossible people. Whether it’s a family member, a co-worker or (worse) your boss, highly aggressive and challenging people can turn a perfectly good day into a dramatic experience without any reason…

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