Better Planning:
7 Steps!

It’s the first week of April. This is the time when most businesses evaluate their first quarter of the year and are looking at the next quarter of the year, planning how they are going to reach their goals by the end of the year…

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7 Reasons to
Keep Learning

Since four years now, I attend the best seminars in the Netherlands and now I am going abroad too.To learn new stuff and meet new people. Because learning affects my well-being in lots of positive ways.

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7 Ways to
Boost Your Success

I believe that your business will always be as big as you are as a person. No matter how many strategies and tools you will learn in order to grow your business, the most important part in your business is… YOU!

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Givers Gain:
7 Reasons

This morning I was invited to the annual New Year’s breakfast of Business Network International’s [or BNI] Dutch chapter Grand Cru Roermond, at 6:30 am…

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7 Powerful
Women 2013

We all love our little [or longer] lists. We have a ‘to-do’-list, a shopping list, a list with our contacts… to name just a few. Not only do we love them, American business magazine Forbes loves them too. They publish lists such as ‘Forbes’ 400 richest Americans’, ‘The World’s Billionaires’, ‘The Worlds Most Powerful People’ and ‘The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women’.

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The 7 Lies
of Success

Last week I told you about my intention, my goal to read 12 non fiction books the coming year and how I started this journey with the book ‘Unlimited Power, the New Science of Personal Achievement’ by Anthony Robbins. Although I certainly don’t want to turn this blog into a book review website, Tony’s book provides me of great blog content and I don’t want to withhold any valuable information from you….

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7 Traits
for Success

For the coming year I set the goal to read one non fiction book per month. Twelve books, including five books on NLP. Now I started with ‘Unlimited Power, the New Science of Personal Achievement’ by Anthony Robbins. And right there, in Chapter I, I stumbled upon the seven traits of successful people. Of course you understand that I immediately recognized a blog in this…

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