7 Rules for
Amazing Women

I’ve been working with women for more than 20 years now I see so many talented brilliant women, lots of them. Many of them are dedicated, talented and great women. Are you one of those women? Does this sound familiar to you?

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The Golden Rule:
7 Tips

Ever since I was young, even long before I learned lessons about the Law of Attraction and ‘like attracts like’, my motto was ‘What you give, is what you are going to get’. Or fancier stated in the Golden Rule: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. ..

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Stand Strong:
7 Actions

Has your holiday already ended or do you still have a few days or even a week or so? Are you all caught up in everyday life again? For some of us everyday life might feel as if things are all falling apart…

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7 Tricks to
Recharge Yourself

it is summer time! It is holiday time! Maybe you go abroad, maybe not, but this time of year is definitely a time to unwind and recharge your mind, body and soul. There’s only so much your body, mind, and spirit can take…

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New Economy:
7 Do’s [or Die]

I was speaking with my accountant when he was telling me that although people are talking about the economy bouncing back, the truth is that no one really knows when [and if] the economy will finally bounce back…

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7 Ways to
Take Responsibility

Today is our son’s birthday. 11 Years ago, Jop made me a mother. The biggest change in my life… ever! The awareness of ‘You are a real adult now and you need to take responsibility for your actions’…

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7 Guidelines
for Life

There are two big motivators in life: we want to be happy and we want to avoid suffering. Those two are the basic drivers behind everything that we think, say and do. And for many people, the more they chase after happiness the more it seems to elude them…

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